
Showing posts from September, 2013


Have you ever taken notice of how you try so hard to re-establish a relationship to no avail? No, don’t get too many ideas; I know what you’re thinking. Am not talking about that kind of relationship, am actually referring to friendship, and an attempt to reunite with long lost friends; especially from school- elementary/primary, secondary/high school, tertiary institutions and friends from your old neighbourhood. Am sure am not alone on this…So, I asked myself this question, “why hold on when you can and should simply let go”? Answers?  Anyone? I’ve got a few of mine…read on! Alright, perhaps I shouldn’t limit this subject to friends alone. It happens in families too; extended or close relations. They say out of sight is not out of mind. And that absence makes the heart grow fonder (or is it further). Am sure some people would bet to differ and I can’t really blame them for this difference of opinion. I personally feel the foundation of a relationship has a lot to do with conn...