Like an abandoned child...
Some trickles of guilt almost overtook me logging in a few minutes ago. It's almost as if I felt sorry for my blog, for the abandonment. Ridiculous,right? Well, I don't like that I left my blog un-updated for this long. I wish I could have helped it, but you know what they say-"Life happens". We were blessed by a new addition into the family on the fifteenth of December. An adorable,portable, cute and already 'clever' baby girl. She is simply a joy to watch! She amuses the family like a rehearsed T.V commercial. I haven't seen such an energetic baby, and this started from infancy. She's already three months old now and am certain the entertainment has just begun. I sometimes almost handle her like a toddler, then remind myself that this muscle-flexing baby is just a few months old. She's got the energy of a toddler that feeds on sugar and I cannot even begin to list the attempts she makes at covering a'milestone' for her age. She's...