Catching up..

It's funny how you think you know yourself..until you keep discovering as you grow older. Am not proud to admit that I procrastinate and am just discovering it. I used to think otherwise,perhaps,things changed over time. I'm usually being accused of being 'too compliant' and somewhat 'too serious-minded'.I think I probably used to be,but becoming a wife and consequently mother of two hasn't amde things any easier. I've found myself putting off so many things I naturally would have done before even making the announcement in the past.I usually don't do things halfway,but it's what I do a lot these days.Which brings me to the issue of my prospective Books.....yes,'Books' because I intend to write two different ones,randomly or selectively. I have given many excuses that I am begining to think I'd never get this book written if I do not continue. ....I also just realised I've been using the word'start' all along,meanwhile,I started already two years back.I think this just goes to show how disconnected and distracted I have been. And today,thank goodness I studied seriously,something I had been a laid-back at for a little while...time mismanagement was another factor. I was so distracted that I decided to get a little life outside my 'cubicle'. ..spending more time on the Internet isn't something I do,but I deliberately chose to do so while my mind was heavy with some other non-academic matters. But am back on track now..Huh! mentioning school made someone ask of my age...! Well,what can I say? Some of us didn't have it on a platter of gold...not even born with a silver spoon.But thank God, am still here!
I almost convinced myself that wanting to do so many things at the same time is the reason I haven't really done much, but that isn't true.I can multi-task,I do it if I choose to. So it's no excuse at all. And I have resolved to manage my time well and not wait until the end of my Course to write more Poems or continue with these books,God willing. I won't suspend it any longer..Why the wait? Besides, if I need anything that isn't within my reach,I'd just skip that part and keep on writing.I also had problems deciding which one to begin with, but I think I'd just go with the flow and not force myself into a particular routine.Whichever one comes to mind first.I may even be writing randomly.....anything that suits me fine ,my terms,my book!
I miss my dad,donno why...imagine,do I need a reason to miss my dad?Well,the obvious isn't stated here.....!!!I should give him a call.


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