The changes I had to make...

I don't feel too well,but I hope I'd be better by tomorrow,God willing.
Last night,my long awaited sewing machine finally arrived.Thanks to our family friend who buys auctioned goods.Otherwise,that's the last thing on hubby's list.It's an old model of a brand I know next to nothing about,but hope to soon enough.I told myself today that I wouldn't"explore" it until after my exams,but I just couldn't resist the temptation...I did!I didn't make headway as I really need to learn how it works.It's an electric sewing machine and my non-expertise doesn't help.I tried sewing a few things using a manual sewing machine some five years back.I haven't had access to one since then until now.I plan on asking my neighbour for a guide.She owns one of such and am thinking it may be similar to hers.Even if it isn't,she'd not be as clueless as I am.But since the sewing machine's going nowhere,I had better wait till am through with my exams.I have a feeling I'd start sewing something right away if she puts me through it.Yes,am that excited and it doesn't matter that I do not even have the training required to sew dresses.I'll start from somewhere and see where it takes me.I can't wait to tell the few friends I've whinned to about how keen I am to own my own sewing machine...Now I don't have an excuse not to sew.The internet's here and it's a great resourece.I've bookmarked and saved several pages on my favourites..I can't wait to round-up the exams.

Two days ago a woman showed up at my doorstep and started speaking Zulu...she assumed I could comprehend..of course I don't.I called our helper at the B&B to help with translation.What I was told was that she was to resume work as a domestic helper at our place,I mean my home!Now,that didn't come as a shock because hubby had mentioned it recently.What neither of us didn't prepare for was getting one that soon.He told an Afrikanner friend in the neighbourhood that same morning and the woman didn't waste anytime.My husband hadn't even informed me he had asked someone since it happened on his way to the office.To cut the long story short,she agreed to commence work the following day,which was yesterday and she was supposed to be coming thrice a week.No matter how many times I've been told that I'd be relinguishing my duties to a stranger,it just didn't sink in.I even bluntly refuted every 'sensible' argument hubby put across to convince me until that same Monday morning.I was going to resume work at the office for good,though with a little flexibility.I have also recently told him that am willing to commence my driving lessons.Something he had longed to hear me say.Yeah!I know I can be very heady.I like doing things my own way and in my own time.I do not like being pushed or coarsed into doing"anything".I like to be kept abreast of things and do not like undue surprises or pressure.Hubby had been insistent and very pushy about my lack of interest in certain things (which includes the business) and I made him understand why.
Anyway,back to the domestic helper..she didn't show up yesterday morning by 7a.m as agreed and we eventually made a call through to confirm if she'd still be coming--she said 'no'!The reason doesn't even interest me now becasue I've been feeling stripped from performing my duties and the thought of having a stranger bathing my kids,cleaning my home isn't just one of my strong points.I am a little conservative when it comes to certain things and I do ask myself how I would adjust say for instance,my husband becomes a public figure...???It hasn't happened,doesn't mean it won't.So I've prepared myself for that time because there's nothing I can do to change it.

The other change that would be happening sooner than later's my kid going to elementary school.Now,that came as a surprise because his father and I were under the impression that he won't start Primary school until age seven.Now we're looking around and have yet to find a school for him.Without mincing words,I would ahev preffered him attending an Islamic school considering everything happening as regards security and the likely unwelcomed influence.But our choices are limited because there isn't any around and proximity's definately something we can't rule out in this...We're still on the search.
And just before I sign out,we were finally able to take passport photographs for the new E-passport yesterday after being there for four hours....Some things just never change!!!
I better go to bed now...It's past 12midnight...Good morning!!!


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