Just a summary!

What’s the latest? Alright, we finally fenced-off the uncontrollable dogs, defeacating on the lawns and jumping on our old short fence. Somehow, haven’t been able to ‘enjoy’ that privacy because it’s chilly outside and I’d have to wait until summer...which is close by. So it’s not going to be a long wait.
So registration is closed for this session and I can’t say I’ve got plenty of time on my hands.
My sewing machine needs to be serviced; I wonder what happened to it. That means-“no sewing”!
I got tired of studying and brainstorming for an exam that has not been fixed for a particular date. Am sure I won’t be able to recall the chapters I had read and the images I had tried to stick in my head (call it cramming) ahead my driving theory exams. I’m still trying top figure out how the systems works in that department. That I could be sent to another province to write the 100 question long MCQ still amazes me. I thought things were supposed to be easier here, being a developed nation. Anyway, if I can be assured it would be within a month or two, then; I’d start reading again. Oh! I’m forgetting something. This license will expire in two months’ time. God help me. The year’s gradually coming to an end and I just don’t want to let that happen without achieving at least one tangible task.
So the kids officially back to school and my daughter’s eager to leave “Crèche” for a “Pre-School”. She’s been giving endless excuses to avoid returning to that school, since she resumed three days ago. Kids, don’t underestimate their cleverness!
The auspicious month’s just a few days away. RAMADAN is here. Well, almost, masha Allah! Looking forward to it. Not really much’ physical’ preparation (but my freezer is already stocked with Chicken and beef). But God willing, I’m intending to do more than the routine of the past few years. This season is quite different and the cultural difference hasn’t made the Muslim festival an interesting one like what we are used to back home. I want the kids to really feel a difference this year. God willing, by this tine next week, we’d (Muslims all over the world) be fasting.
Oh! And am back to the office, as of Tuesday.


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