Being busy...
I have been working on compiling my Poems…yeah,I know, ”same ol’song”! I did that before, but this time is different. The difference in this is that I’ve re-activated my profiles from my old Online Poetry membership. Some require payment for upgrade, but I think I’d just make-do with the regular membership for now. In all honesty, I would upgrade and improve my chances of finding a reliable publishing company/contract. I don’t want to keep doing everything together and stopping half-way.
Okay, i don't want to jinx it, but so far, I have written a few more and the total as of this moment is thirty...Yes, three-zero...30 Poems at hand. Now I do not know how much is enough. I have no idea how many I'm required to have compiled before I consider a publication. I have decided to make it a duty to do something about the compilation, everyday. By God's grace, I will endeavour to keep this up. Afterall, I need no internet connection for that. But I've also realised that checking these Poetry Sites gives me a boost. It will keep me motivated to keep writing and once again give my Poetry the commitment it requires.
The clutters are here again, and it's painfully about my families. I just hope all is well as I don't usually get this worried. perhaps, it's because it's been way too long that we've communicated. Perhaps, not. Whatever it is, I've got no control over at this time. I leave it to God.
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