My cousin left this morning, we miss her already...

My cousin left this morning, we miss her already. She just buzzed me some minutes ago, so that means she's landed safely. Thank God for His mercies. I didn't take my routine road today. The day already began hectic. We finally drove her to the Mall I had wanted her to go all this while- Greenstone Mall, Edenvale. Am glad even though it was unplanned, she still got to look around and have a different scenario. Plus, she got a few items she really liked. In short, it was worth our while. The kids were late for bed as we also dropped-by some friends' within the Edenvale neighbourhood. It was just a courtesy call and everyone was exhausted by the time we got home. I put the kids to sleep and finally got to have  alook at my had been delivered a few hours ealier. It's about time!

I couldn't make dinner as it was late, so we the adults went to bed on an empty stomach. I didn't realise how tired I was until my eyes decided to be closing, even as I expected myself to be thrilled I got my BB...But nature took over. So I decided to let it charge and leave the exploring till today. Well, I haven't been able to set up my email accounts, I've got the weekend to do that; hopefully. I managed to connect with my cousin before she left this morning. That' make it easier to connect with other members of the family with a BB. I told her I wouldn't have opted for another BB, if not for the benefits of connectivity with my younger cousins. It's going to make communication easier and more interesting. I had my eye on LG500-a powerful machine as I refer to it. But hey! BB's going to serve me better, so let me not be selfish with wanting the 'uncommon things'.
I think am going to miss my cousin more when I get home. She would either come to the office with us and move around to the shops, or stay at home till we return in the evening. So it still feels like she's home awaiting our return now. It was really  a good feeling having someone else around for that long.
We should be leaving to get the kids from school any moment from now. So I better pause before am interrupted...TGIF!


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