...a year older!

Honestly,I have no idea what my mother was doing or thinking at this hour, thirty-something years ago. Whether she was in labour during the day or at night. If she went back and forth the hospital like I did with my first child, maybe she was on bed rest the entire pregnancy duration, what her emotions and feelings were after she laid her eyes on me, if it made any difference because I wasn’t her first child, because I was a child she’s having with a man from a different ethnic,  if my father was the one that took her to the hospital (he was at the hospital, I learnt), what her pregnancy symptoms were and so many other questions that I’ve got no answers to.
I am however grateful for one thing though, that despite the lack of their presence (not as a result of death but distance) in my life, I have made my mistakes (still do), some amendable,a few irreparable, I have stumbled a few times but managed to get back up, I have cried, shed several tears, longed, hoped, wished, prayed, planned, thought, written, spoken , succeeded within my ability and capacity, relied upon, being disappointed, being betrayed, being applauded and appraised, recognized and rewarded, commended and rebuked, condemned and consoled, encouraged and discouraged, motivated and inspired, pushed and lifted, laughed at and laughed with, I have been to several places, done so many things, seen too many to recall all, lived with all kinds of people and races, mixed with all types of characters, inspite of all these, I have not lost my way. Where something was missing, God has been merciful and replaced it with something equally worthwhile. I am grateful, for the love I have received, from families, far and near, distant and close-knit, an extension of my family-My friends! I would never trade you for all the money in the world. I cherish your unwavering friendship, your moral support and the genuine love. I am grateful and feel like the luckiest person alive, because I have the gift of “FRIENDSHIP”! I am indeed grateful that, I have friends I can call ’families’, blood-related or not. And I love you all to bits, wherever you are on the planet. Thank you for deeming me worthy of your friendship...


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