Delayed post from February 29th 14.39pm

I just couldn’t let this month end without a single post. That would be unjustifiable considering this is a memorable month for ‘us’…Us being my hubby and I. It was our ninth anniversary on the 22nd which also happen to be a birth date of a couple of my friends. Besides that, February was also the month I travelled to the UK, eight years back! Whao! Eight whole years? Sounds like a lifetime ago. Now returning back home, I also left for the Republic of Benin, a neighbouring country; where I had my second child. That was on the 9th of February, 2006. Am sure there are a few other things that happened in February which may not come to mind at the moment. But the above as mentioned were ‘landmarks’ so to speak.
I thought I was at the end of my tether because I’ve been having a big struggle with my studies. Things are just not falling into place at the moment. I can’t really pin-point the cause, but I must admit that am hugely distracted and even realizing that hasn’t helped much. Now it’s either I get over whatever is pre-occupying my mind, or be ready to have several supplementary exams (trust me, that isn’t an option am settling for). Even logging out of Facebook from my Blackberry has not helped like I thought it would. But there’s hope as I have succeeded in connecting with a few other students sharing same modules and we are working on our assignments and sharing ideas. I think most importantly, we have given each other the moral support taking the isolation of distance learning out of the equation. It is pretty challenging and requires a whole lot of discipline. Sometimes you just can’t help the situation because, things will happen at home that would get you distracted when you least need it. You want to have a piece of the action, but can’t afford to get carried away because, the reality’s staring at you in the face…the clock’s ticking  and your time will soon be up! Several assignments to go and exam is also approaching! How time flies when 24hours isn’t enough! But I have to get over all the distractions, someway somehow…I’ve just got to. I need to! Oh! And goodbye February…Wink! Wink!!
And it's welcome March...Yeah!And it's my month!


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