Home Affairs...
Frank talk- I usually do not join the wagon, except I share the view and strongly too. As a matter of principle, I do not like to make blanket judgements. These days, it is common to read the public’s take on the menace caused by a section of Nigerians. If the world tags us ’terrorists’, should we also join them in turning against our own people? Of course we may not be experiencing absolute unity , because that’s an illusion-no country or sphere in the world has absolute unity. There would always be diversities and differences of opinion about governance and even on personal choices we make daily amongst ourselves and family members. So what are we talking about? If you’re from the Eastern part of Nigeria, there’s every possibility that the only faith you grew up knowing and being acquainted with was Christianity. But if you’re from the South, there’s a likelihood that a member of your family, close or distant practice different faith from you. I was born in the North...