Home Affairs...

Frank talk-
I usually do not join the wagon, except I share the view and strongly too. As a matter of principle, I do not like to make blanket judgements. These days, it is common to read the public’s take on the menace caused by a section of Nigerians. If the world tags us ’terrorists’, should we also join them in turning against our own people? Of course we may not be experiencing absolute unity, because that’s an illusion-no country or sphere in the world has absolute unity. There would always be diversities and differences of opinion about governance and even on personal choices we make daily amongst ourselves and family members. So what are we talking about? If you’re from the Eastern part of Nigeria, there’s every possibility that the only faith you grew up knowing and being acquainted with was Christianity. But if you’re from the South, there’s a likelihood that a member of your family, close or distant practice different faith from you. I was born in the North but raised in Lagos. I attended my elementary education, secondary and post secondary in Lagos. As we all know, Lagos is the place that really portrays the true diversity of Nigeria as a nation. We live together, eat together, work together, attend school together, with ethnics different from us and people of different faiths from what we practice. I am a Muslim unashamedly so. I attended a Baptist owned secondary school, but was still able to practice my faith, proudly too. I cannot recall being in discordance with any of my old school mates in the name of religion. And that’s why am puzzled reading some cold opinions from Christians, who seem to be forgetting that, your next door neighbor may be a Muslim, and no harm has ever come to you from the hands of this person. You probably grew up in the same neighbourhood, attended school together and even used to visit each other’s house after school hours, walk hand in hand along your street, got so close that some may even take you to be siblings (especially if you speak the same language, and not giving away your ethnic group).I have done all that and I’ve got Christians in my family, with whom I grew up, classmates, neighbours, mentors, friends...Let’s go back to the basics people. The people who are shedding innocent blood are not representing the Muslims you knew and grew up with (probably still know). So do not let propaganda or the media poison your mind against a fellow human being who has done you no harm. We are not perfect, our religion is. People will misbehave, human beings are fallible. Do not attribute the status of perfection to humans because we were not created perfect. So before you pass that judgement, pause and ask yourself if every single person of that faith you know or have come across treats you that way. We need to pray for peace in our land and seek this peace in togetherness, not in hate speech or intent.Even if I have erred, please kindly unfriend me…I am a Muslim, unashamedly and I do not hate Christians!


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