Some rules of life...

One of the things that comes easily to me is admitting to my wrongdoing, within myself even if I do not utter it to anyone. I usually have a retrospect on my actions. And this is why I relate with quotes or any form of writing that resonates with my present situation or in relation to my past. I find that the piece of writing I posted above had an impact on me and I consider it worth sharing for anyone else who might be in need of it. I may not be smiling as I type now, but I sure know I do not own the world’s problems, not to compare my life with that of others, desist from over-thinking (I usually process so many thoughts in my head, almost at the same time),to accept a healing process and stop being hard on myself for choices taken at a time of distress, naivety and make peace with that…well, I hope this helps someone at least!


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