Random Reflections...Welcome to 2018!

Review. Re-evaluate your life. Rekindle your relationships. Make amends. Bring down the fence. Mend walls. Build bridges. Or get rid of the bridge, and get closer. Whatever works for you.
Yes, I know; it may sound cliché, but death beckons us all. LIFE ! Life is precious, and can be lost in a twinkle of an eye. Live it. Live well. Be good. Life can be a brutal teacher. Sometimes you have got to experience its harshness to learn. It shakes your faith, tests your strength. But it does not have to break you. Do not give in. Get stronger, better; not bitter.
Talk is cheap, so is cheat. Try staying faithful. Follow your heart, but take your head with you. Walk the walk, do not just talk the talk. Lead by example, practice what you preach. Action is priceless. Let the change you desire, begin with you. Aspire. Dream. Dream big, but be willing and ready, to work at it. There is dignity in labour.
Gratitude. Be thankful for all the goodness you have been bestowed. They are right there, you just have not been paying attention. Be grateful, for families, friends, good companions. Be grateful, for life. Create memories. Cherish the moments. Less bickering. No judgements. More love. Forgive. Holding on to resentment, or a thought of vengeance; does you no good. Move,get past the differences. With expectation, come heartache. Sometimes, things aren't what they seem. There is always more than meet the eyes. Stop the blame game. Be the game changer.Go forward, forge ahead.Look back less.
It is okay to grieve a loss, be sad for the miss. The hurt will heal. It does pass. And you will learn to live again. Whatever missed you, was not meant for you. That which is yours, will surely come to pass. There is always a new beginning. Start all over again, afresh, anew. Smile. Laugh. Cry, if you must. Release it. Breathe. Exhale. You will be fine. You will be more than fine. You will scale through. It is okay to be afraid. But do not allow fear overcome you. Do not stay long on fright zone. Break free.Believe. Conquer.
Give. Lend a helping hand, in whatever way you can. A kind word is far better, than help rendered with insult. Be sensitive. Feel. Care. Show it. Say it. Live it.Time, is fleeting; passing by so quickly. Use it. Spend it wisely. Spend your time thinking good, doing good, spreading goodness! Perhaps, just perhaps, you may create a ripple effect of goodness. After all is said and you have given your best; leave the rest. Let the Judge of all judges decide your path. Keep moving. You have got this gift called LIFE.
Live it with a difference!


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