Working against the distractions, feels like swimming against the tides!

And I feel today is one of such days. I learnt ,about an hour ago that; the window period for submission of my week long overdue assignment, had closed. My bubble was deflated and it still feels like I am in denial. The workload was quite voluminous and there was just no way to get around it; than to read and respond to the questions. There was no two-way about it. It is demoralising and "almost"  discouraging. But there is no quiting here, I knew what I was in for when I signed up for this programme. And as unfavourable as the situation may seem now, I cannot afford to stay in this zone of self pity, but keep going forward. My vision and mission are way too critical to let one missed assignment bring me down. Yes, there's a tentative plan in place to make an appeal to the lecturer in charge. I do not believe in luck, but I am sure, it is what we are about to try now. At least, we must explore that option, before we throw in the towel. It is as if I saw this coming, so I was not shocked per se. Just a bit surprised. Considering the ten-day window period has fallen on a weekend, I am sure they knew what they were doing. Last night, I anticipated this could happen, so I logged on to my portal and went through the assessment mode, as if I was ready to submit. I was far from ready, because going to bed just before 2 a.m did not afford me the time I needed to finish up. I was flexing with sleep, like I was going to win. But you know what they say, you cannot cheat nature. And if you actually succeeded in cheating nature, it will catch up with you at some point. Nothing could keep my eyes open, not even the series playing in the background, so everything was not awfully quiet. But I hit the bed, and was up by I set the alarm on purpose, as I knew there was no way I would be up on time for my prayers, going to bed that late.
But I did look back. I looked back to the memorable day, two years back yesterday, when I FINALLY graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Communication Science. Without mincing words, that was the second happiest day in my life (only I knew and still know that). Reasons will be in another post.
For now, let me go and ensure I am deserving of the grace yet to be bestowed-if ever. I need to finish up, anyhow, whichever way...Almighty UNISA, here we go again...


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