It seems impossible until it is done!

These lines would only come in handy, when I can finally sigh with relief that, I have put my Honours programme behind me.
Even when quitting wasn't an option, I did ask myself a number of times if I wasn't bitting more than I could chew. I was choking on assignments, and there was no way around it. Am seated in front of the desktop now, but tired. And this is me, diffusing and decongesting my head, before I get right on it.
Like anything else in life, we must find the purpose for doing something; particularly if that thing takes so much of your energy, mentally and physically. If it drains you and zaps the enthusiasm out of you at some point. You should retrace your steps and remind yourself, why you began it in the first place. If the reason is convincing and satisfactory enough,then you've got your answer. Your should not, and cannot afford to throw in the towel. The efforts will be rewarded in the long run.
I felt like taking a break but, I could not. I realised whenever I convinced myself I was really taking a break, my mind was never at ease. I always felt I was now the one creating the distraction, intentionally. So when I do choose to watch the t. V rather than hit the books, I would know for a fact that, the environment wasn't conducive or that I am indeed really tired. Hence, nothing would sink in, so I better just take my mind off the books and exhale.
If anyone asked me about an 'open distant learning', I would not mince words in telling the person, never to try it unless, you are certain someone else is there to fill your roles, willingly too, without complaints. And if you are married or have a partner, they must be sensitive to your situation, be understanding and support you all the way.
Alternatively, you could choose to go to a structured tertiary institution, attend  lectures and mingle with fellow students. Share ideas with them and, then spend so much time at the library before you head back home. It's a tough challenge. You can give in to pressure, or keep sweating it out, until the goal is achieved. You must make a choice, at the end of the day. You would have to eventually.


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