The loss of a loved one... Grief! I totally lost the words to describe the pain. I froze. The pen fell off my fingers. I wrote neater than I usually would-that means I was just moving from one letter to another. It lacked flow and coherence.I managed to scribble a few lines and... I just stopped. There was no use. This time, the words eluded me. I didn't need to write out my heart. I needed to let out the tears. The tears had to flow until I released enough pain holding tightly on my chest. I can say succinctly that, never in my whole existence have I cried, or wept that much. I was shattered. In great disbelief. Even though I know for a fact that, death is irreversible. I was still hoping, in my head that, the news just wasn't true. That there was just a misinformation. That we would be called back, and told it was a scare. That he passed out. And that he was awake now. But those were my delusional thoughts. My desires. If it happened during the time of Isa, the son of Mary(Jesus). Such miracles stopped during his time. In this lifetime, there isn't going to be any resurrection. Near death experiences would happen. People may go into comatose and come out of it. But not the dead rising again after the body had been embalmed.
And so it was that, we grieve, we mourn my the demise of a brother, a son. Who, left us tragically... We take solace in God.Life cycle completed !
Jammed thoughts....
I just had to break the jinx this morning before I get down to serious jacking,as my people will call it.It's almost at freezing point outside,even wehn we're near spring...God help us!My hands were so cold this morning I couldn't feel any blood flowing.I tried warming it up in my pockets,but even the winter suit couldn't hold that much.I had to boil some water using the electric kettle because I didn't put on the geyser last night--saving energy.That's me for you!And I poured some into my kids' plastic cups-one for each and soaked my two palms in...It wasn't soothing.That contact is definately not a good one...I mean,it's like ice falling into a water at boiling point.But I had to bear it..I still do not have a description for that feeling.But it definately wasn't fun.I had to,I just had to put the clothes on the line and it just reminded me that there're no basements in SA.I remember winter period in England.We dried some of the clothings i...
Sometimes, it still feels like a dream. Sulaimon Olaitan Mafe- you are dearly missed cuz'! God's got'you!