When life happens... Or did not!

The shots we never took.
The calls we deferred.
The visit we postponed.
The misgivings we held on to.
The forgiveness we refused to grant. The help we failed to render.
The anger we refused to let go.
The families we cared not for.
The friends we ignored.
The friendship we took for granted.
The partner we cheated.
The weak we took advantage of.
The gentle ones we oppressed.
The hungry we choose not to feed.
The knowledge we hoarded.
The guidance we mute on.
The wrong we never corrected.
All of these and more, would be impossible... when the soul leaves the body.
Why not make it today and not "tomorrow"!
Who promises you tomorrow?
Why leave till tomorrow what you can do today?
Save yourself the heartache of regrets.
Everyday you wake up is a new day to do things differently.
Start now!


  1. Coming back to these thoughts...apt. Relevant everyday, every passing moment. Every breath taken!


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