The loss of a loved one... Grief! I totally lost the words to describe the pain. I froze. The pen fell off my fingers. I wrote neater than I usually would-that means I was just moving from one letter to another. It lacked flow and coherence.I managed to scribble a few lines and... I just stopped. There was no use. This time, the words eluded me. I didn't need to write out my heart. I needed to let out the tears. The tears had to flow until I released enough pain holding tightly on my chest. I can say succinctly that, never in my whole existence have I cried, or wept that much. I was shattered. In great disbelief. Even though I know for a fact that, death is irreversible. I was still hoping, in my head that, the news just wasn't true. That there was just a misinformation. That we would be called back, and told it was a scare. That he passed out. And that he was awake now. But those were my delusional thoughts. My desires. If it happened during the time of Isa, the son of Mary(Je...
Showing posts from 2018
When life happens... Or did not!
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The shots we never took. The calls we deferred. The visit we postponed. The misgivings we held on to. The forgiveness we refused to grant. The help we failed to render. The anger we refused to let go. The families we cared not for. The friends we ignored. The friendship we took for granted. The partner we cheated. The weak we took advantage of. The gentle ones we oppressed. The hungry we choose not to feed. The knowledge we hoarded. The guidance we mute on. The wrong we never corrected. All of these and more, would be impossible... when the soul leaves the body. Why not make it today and not "tomorrow"! Who promises you tomorrow? Why leave till tomorrow what you can do today? Save yourself the heartache of regrets. Everyday you wake up is a new day to do things differently. Start now!
Constructive Criticism!
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Correct Like You Care! We often may not be able to tell between guiding someone to do something correctly, and scolding them for doing it wrongly; without the actual correction. It's a thin line. You probably might have come across the viral post about how the "Yoruba mother corrects with all kinds of insults"...but none of which we take seriously now. Being a child then, you may think differently when your mother refers to you as an imbecile. But of course, you know she birthed you and would never wish for a disabled child. Now that we are older and know better, we generally agree they never meant those words. But fast-forward to present day married or not, your partner or work colleagues tells you, 'you're a dumb head' , or 'empty brained' while attempting to correct you, how would you feel? Or your spouse tells you the reason the house is untidy is because you were picked from the gutters? Or say, you do not know how to care for a child because your...
It seems impossible until it is done!
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These lines would only come in handy, when I can finally sigh with relief that, I have put my Honours programme behind me. Even when quitting wasn't an option, I did ask myself a number of times if I wasn't bitting more than I could chew. I was choking on assignments, and there was no way around it. Am seated in front of the desktop now, but tired. And this is me, diffusing and decongesting my head, before I get right on it. Like anything else in life, we must find the purpose for doing something; particularly if that thing takes so much of your energy, mentally and physically. If it drains you and zaps the enthusiasm out of you at some point. You should retrace your steps and remind yourself, why you began it in the first place. If the reason is convincing and satisfactory enough,then you've got your answer. Your should not, and cannot afford to throw in the towel. The efforts will be rewarded in the long run. I felt like taking a break but, I could not. I realised when...
Working against the distractions, feels like swimming against the tides!
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And I feel today is one of such days. I learnt ,about an hour ago that; the window period for submission of my week long overdue assignment, had closed. My bubble was deflated and it still feels like I am in denial. The workload was quite voluminous and there was just no way to get around it; than to read and respond to the questions. There was no two-way about it. It is demoralising and "almost" discouraging. But there is no quiting here, I knew what I was in for when I signed up for this programme. And as unfavourable as the situation may seem now, I cannot afford to stay in this zone of self pity, but keep going forward. My vision and mission are way too critical to let one missed assignment bring me down. Yes, there's a tentative plan in place to make an appeal to the lecturer in charge. I do not believe in luck, but I am sure, it is what we are about to try now. At least, we must explore that option, before we throw in the towel. It is as if I saw this coming, so ...
When you don't get to take a break from parenting...
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The energy children display can be too much, even for an adult to handle. You would be surprised. Considering a four year old is not required to get any serious work done it could be quite overwhelming to get this bubbly tots under control. Hardly are they under control. So when my tete-a-tete went through one hear, and came right out the other, I knew it was time to remind her there are other activities aside a non-stop summary of her cartoon characters. My head was about to get spinning, and it is just past 10.a.m in the morning... still a long way from dusk. So i just rolled out the list of, "other things you could do" - colouring, painting writing of numbers and alphabets and so on. So I got the few minutes break before she gets bored with colouring, and the next chat begins... 😁😁😁
The che@ting spouse...
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The subject of infidelity in marriage is as inexhaustible as your mind can travel .It is something that those who have been hurt and emotionally damaged from its consequence which they understood. Attempts are made to correct this anomally , that has become second to nature.As a matter of fact, it has been concluded that,because men are “polygamous by nature,there can be no man content with a single woman. Ironically or should I say paradoxically however,this submission has every inch of hypocrite in it. Why?Because they would rather a man keeps a side kick,than actually do the lawful thing of taking another wife, or 3 or 4 as our own faith has permitted. Cheating happens for various reasons, could be emotional,physical ,you’d be surprised-mental and so on. Also,either of the spouses can cheat. What is prevalence (without statistics reference now),is men being most likely to cheat. The major difference however is that, women are more likely to cheat for emotional reasons th...
Random Reflections...Welcome to 2018!
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18.01.18 Review. Re-evaluate your life. Rekindle your relationships. Make amends. Bring down the fence. Mend walls. Build bridges. Or get rid of the bridge, and get closer. Whatever works for you. Yes, I know; it may sound cliché, but death beckons us all. LIFE ! Life is precious, and can be lost in a twinkle of an eye. Live it. Live well. Be good. Life can be a brutal teacher. Sometimes you have got to experience its harshness to learn. It shakes your faith, tests your stren gth. But it does not have to break you. Do not give in. Get stronger, better; not bitter. Talk is cheap, so is cheat. Try staying faithful. Follow your heart, but take your head with you. Walk the walk, do not just talk the talk. Lead by example, practice what you preach. Action is priceless. Let the change you desire, begin with you. Aspire. Dream. Dream big, but be willing and ready, to work at it. There is dignity in labour. Gratitude. Be thankful for all the goodness you have been bestowed. They are right the...